
Showing posts from October, 2017

Corruption in meaning

Corruption can simply be defined as any unwanted behaviour corruption therefore is dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people (such as government officials or police officers) : the act of corrupting someone or something : something that has been changed from its original form Therefore corruption can be seen as any unwanted action. Don't take don't give be dissent and shun corruption Free corrupt society is possible shun exam malpractice shun  cultism shun any unwanted character.         Publication officer:- A Ango

Anti-corruption vanguard in UDUS

Corruption!!!!!! If to say that out of pathogenic organisms and viruses an effective and the most dangerous infectious agent exist i will likely say that is corruption. This is because not all disease kill but corruption normally kill and destroy no matter how little people think it is .           The first successful step in human behaviour in the society especially in university (campus) is to know how to fight corruption in himself. In fact to avoid all unwanted actions ( that is corruption in meaning) . No exam malpractice no copying assignment no writing attendance to absentees no giraffe in exam hall .        Say no to all unwanted actions in university and any other society in general        Corruption kills more than ebola virus avoid it.      If you see something say something and do something ........          SHUN CORRUPTION        Publicat...

Announcement! Announcement!! Announcement!!!

ZTC-EFCC UDUS information to exco. Announcement This is to inform u that each EXCO is to forward the following details to the group or through either the Sec Gen or Vice President so as to facilitate the design of our new letter headed. 1-Full name 2-Phone number 3-Department and level of study 4-His/her post Pls inform others or forward their details if u know as soon as possible             Sign by VP ztc-efcc udus